General Introduction to the Ph.D. Program in Southeast Asian Studies

Tuesday - 19/01/2016 15:34
1. Information about the Training Program

1.1 The program’s name:

+ In Vietnamese: Đông Nam Á học

+ In English: Southeast Asian Studies

1.2. Program Code: 9310608.02

1.3. Training Field:

+ In Vietnamese: Đông phương học

+ In English: Oriental Studies

1.4. Training Level: Ph.D.

1.5. Name of the Degree after Graduation:

+ In Vietnamese: Tiến sĩ ngành Đông phương học

+ In English: Doctor of Philosophy in Oriental Studies

1.6. Training Institution: University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Hanoi.
trao bang TS DNA
trao bang TS DNA

2. Program Objectives

2.1 General Objectives:

To equip students with comprehensive knowledge, theoretical approaches, basic and specialized research tools to contribute to the training of highly qualified human resources with modern knowledge, in-depth expertise, and specialized and interdisciplinary research methods in area studies and Southeast Asian Studies. The program aims to develop a creative mindset, critical thinking, systemic thinking, and the ability to independently research and comprehensively study issues related to Southeast Asia. Graduates will have strong practical skills in international relations, proficiency in English for professional work, and the ability to work as experts, managers, and leaders in universities, research institutes, and domestic and international organizations.

2.2 Specific Objectives:

To train individuals with a Ph.D. level of expertise and specialization in Southeast Asian Studies.

- Acquire comprehensive and in-depth knowledge of the region and the countries of Southeast Asia.
- Meet the foreign language proficiency requirements as per Vietnam National University, Hanoi, for research purposes.
- Master general scientific research methods and specific methods in social sciences and humanities, especially those used in area studies.
- Develop the ability to research and organize research on scientific issues within the scope of Southeast Asian studies, including both historical and contemporary issues, as well as common and country-specific topics in the region.

3. Admission Information

3.1. Admission Method: Selection through evaluation of professional profiles according to current regulations.

3.2. Admission Requirements:

Candidates applying for the Ph.D. program in Oriental Studies, with a major in Southeast Asian Studies, must meet the following conditions:

a) Clear personal background, not currently undergoing criminal sentencing or disciplinary action of warning level or higher.

b) Sufficient health for study.

c) Hold a regular university degree in Oriental Studies or Southeast Asian Studies with a good grade or higher; or a master's degree in Asian Studies; or a master's degree in a related or similar field to Oriental Studies.

d) Degrees awarded by foreign educational institutions must undergo the recognition procedure according to current regulations.

e) Within 03 years (36 months) before the application date, be the author or co-author of at least one article in a specialized scientific journal or one scientific report published in the proceedings of national or international scientific conferences with peer review and an ISBN number, related to the field or research topic, recognized by the sectoral/sub-sectoral professor title committee. For those with a master's degree but with a master's thesis of less than 10 credits, they must have at least 02 articles/scientific reports.

f) Have a research proposal clearly stating the proposed topic, research field; reasons for choosing the research field and topic; an overview of the research situation in that field both domestically and internationally; research objectives; main research contents; research methods and expected results; reasons for choosing the training institution; implementation plan during the training period; the candidate's experiences, knowledge, understanding, and preparations for the Ph.D. thesis. The proposal may suggest a supervisor.

g) Have a recommendation letter from at least one scientist with the title of professor, associate professor, or a Ph.D. who has participated in professional activities with the applicant and understands the field of expertise the applicant intends to research. The recommendation letter must include comments and assessments of the applicant's:

- Ethical qualities, research capacity, scientific attitude, and professional knowledge.
- For scientists meeting the criteria to be a Ph.D. supervisor and agreeing to supervise the dissertation, additional comments on the necessity and feasibility of the topic, research content; and indicate the possibility of involving the candidate in research projects and the available funding for research activities.

Other comments and the level of support for the applicant's candidacy as a Ph.D. student.

h) The applicant must have one of the degrees or certificates proving foreign language proficiency suitable for the foreign language output standards of the training program approved by Vietnam National University, Hanoi:

- TOEFL iBT certificate with a score of 45 or higher, or an IELTS (Academic Test) certificate with a score of 5.0 or higher, or other foreign language certificates according to the reference table in Appendix 01 of the Ph.D. training regulations at VNU, Hanoi, issued under Decision No. 4555/QĐ-ĐHQGHN dated 24/11/2017 by the Director of VNU, Hanoi, issued by an internationally and nationally recognized testing organization within 24 months from the date of the test to the application date;
- Hold a bachelor's or master's degree awarded by a foreign training institution for a full-time training program abroad in a language suitable for the required language as per the training program's output standards.
- Hold a university degree in foreign languages or foreign language pedagogy suitable for the required language as per the training program's output standards, issued by Vietnamese training institutions.

In the above cases, if not in English, the applicant must be able to communicate in English in their specialty to others and understand presentations on specialized topics in English. The admission committee will establish a subcommittee to assess the English communication skills in the specialty of these candidates.

i) Have a nomination letter from the direct management agency following current regulations on training and retraining of civil servants and public employees (if the applicant is a civil servant or public employee).

j) Commitment to fulfilling financial obligations during the training period according to the regulations of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities.

3.3. List of Relevant and Related Majors:

- **Relevant majors**: Area Studies, Vietnamese Studies, Oriental Culture and Language, and other majors/programs with corresponding training content, with differences assessed according to the regulations of Vietnam National University, Hanoi.
- **Related majors**: International Studies, International Relations, Foreign Economic Relations, World History, Foreign Literature, Religious Studies, Anthropology, Political Science, English, and other majors/programs with corresponding training content, with differences assessed according to the regulations of Vietnam National University, Hanoi.

3.4. Expected Enrollment: 3-5 Ph.D. students per year.

Author: Nguyễn Thế Hùng

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